Over 2,500 years ago, the prophet Daniel recorded some of the most detailed and concise end time prophecies in the Bible. An angel of the Lord explained to Daniel that mankind would not understand these prophecies " . . . until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." Daniel 12:4. That time is now. In fact, after the twentieth century, end time prophecies within the book of Daniel make more sense than ever.
The 1900's generated revolutionary advancements in travel, beginning with Henry Ford's mass production of automobiles in 1914. In 1956, the U.S. government authorized construction of the Interstate Highway System. Cars, trucks, and the occasional motorcycle use the Interstate to access most major U.S. cities. Other industrialized nations continue to develop similar road systems, as well. Of course, the last century's advancements in high-speed, long distance travel are not limited to the ground. Boeing's 707 made it's first flight on December 20, 1957, giving rise to affordable air-travel. Soon after, intercontinental flight became a regular part of commerce and tourism.
America achieved it's grandest scientific endeavor on July 20, 1969, when NASA astronaut, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. More recently, NASA and space agencies from around the world began building the International Space Station in-orbit. The ISS currently serves as a research lab. Upon completion, due in 2010, it will also serve as a staging point for future space missions.
Relative to mankind's increase in travel, is our increase in knowledge. Our knowledge grows exponentially. The more knowledge we accumulate, the faster our knowledge grows. The twentieth century exemplified this concept. Radio and television became common, household items during the 1900's. With the introduction of the World Wide Web on August 6, 1991, the "Information Age" was upon us.
Perhaps the most significant indication that we are living in the "time of the end" spoken of in Daniel 12:4, is the Church's comprehension of Daniel's end time prophecies. In the latter half of the twentieth century, Christian markets witnessed an unprecedented spike in prophecy media. One would do well to read, or re-read, the book of Daniel, as it's prophecies speak specifically to our time.
Resource Link:Bibles in more than 200 languages at Bibles.com